Şimdi al, Bilgisayarında Oyna!
Deluxe Edition Includes:
- The Coma 2: Vicious Sisters (the base game)
- The Coma 2: Vicious Sisters - Artbook
- The Coma 2: Vicious Sisters - Soundtrack
- The Coma 2: Vicious Sisters - Skin "Mina - Winter Princess"
- The Coma 2: Vicious Sisters - Skin "Mina - Locks of Love"
Mina Park, a student of Sehwa High, awakens at night in her school. It isn’t long before she realizes that something is amiss. The once-familiar school where she spends her evenings studying looks twisted by something dark and sinister. She finds herself pursued by someone or something that looks eerily like her teacher. To survive, Mina must venture beyond the boundaries of her school and into the surrounding district. There, she will encounter strange creatures, mysterious strangers, and uneasy allies.
The Coma 2: Vicious Sisters is an atmospheric, story-driven game. Immerse yourself in the warped Sehwa district as you encounter an engaging cast of characters, solve puzzles, discover revealing clues, and fight for survival against a relentless psycho.
Heroines, forced to confront their worst fears, rarely emerge unscathed. Over the course of the story, Mina will encounter dangerous scenarios from which she could sustain permanent damage. Craft items to anticipate future dangers to avoid injury.
Dark Song is now more fearsome and powerful than ever before. Falling into her grasp could spell instant death. Running and wielding your flashlight makes you an easy target. You must precariously balance the urgency of exploration with your absolute need to survive!
- Fear Dark Song’s relentless pursuit to kill you, now with an all-new AI.
- Craft items to prepare for critical life-or-death situations or risk permanent injury.
- Explore the nightmarish district of Sehwa and discover its dark secrets.
- Scavenge resources to survive deadly encounters and inflictions.
- Unlock tools and upgrades to reach previously inaccessible areas.Hide to avoid detection and certain death. Pass challenges to conceal your location.
- Featuring vibrant, hand-illustrated in-game visuals and comic strips
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